
3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

3 Risks That Weighing Your Business After Data Loss in Office 365

By: Gita Gisela

According to, Microsoft Office 365 now has 258 million users around the world. In additional, this fact showed that people now already using cloud as the solution to enhances their activities in this digital era.

Although Microsoft Office 365 offers features that allowed workforce to move faster, it does not mean disaster could not be found on its system. If you think this cloud has a secure system to protect all the critical data in Office 365 from disaster, then you are wrong. According to Veeam, over 1000 IT Pros surveyed, 81% of users experienced data loss in Office 365. Ranging from simple user error to major data security threats. So, what will happen if the enterprises lost its critical data in office 365?

Of course, there’s consequences that need to be faced. Therefore, enterprises need a back up solutions and Disaster Recovery (DR) that can reduce impact from the accident. These are some risks you need to know when your company experienced data loss in Office 365 without having any back up and DR system:

  1. Losing Data Permanently

Have you ever thought about going to work in the morning, then suddenly you find out that you suddenly lost your critical data in Office 365? Some of those critical data you have lost, might still can be saved if your company has a data back up system. But if it doesn’t, the company has to be prepared for losing data permanently. Which it means, this could impact to your business operations.

  1. Expensive

Not having a data back up system doesn’t mean that there is no other way to get back the data you have lost. Of course, company can still find the alternative ways to restore deleted and corrupted data from system. One of them, by using a premium recovery software that sold on the market. However, this methode has a complex process and spend a lot of money. Plus, not all kind of files can be restored. So, the best way that can be done in preventing data loss in Office 365 is by using a reliable data back up system. Not only to efficient the process, but also to save costs.

  1. Wasting time

Imagine, when the company needs to move forward, suddenly various important data that support its business continuity have lost in Office 365 by a virus. Meanwhile, your company don’t have a data back up system, so it needs to recreate the critical data as same as the first ones. It definitely will take several days even to several months to recreate, depending on how much business the company runs. Therefore, this methodes will obstruct a company development in running its business.

So, could you imagine if you lost your critical documents on Office 365? How to prevent this accident? Stay update with us to find the solution with Veeam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid.

Contact us to be the first customer who tries Veaam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid send us e-mail at

5 Common Causes of Data Loss in Office 365

data loss in office 365

5 Common Causes of Data Loss in Office 365


Nowadays, we could see that lot of companies start moving its IT workload to the cloud. Beside the trusted security system, cloud is more user friendly and easy to set up. Furthermore, it allows workforce to move faster, collaborate across business, and reduce operational costs for the company.

One of the most popular cloud categories that usually use for business is Software as a Service (SaaS), for example Office 365 by Microsoft.  Office 365 offers various features, from e-mail, cloud apps, until file sharing. Even though people think that it is secure enough, do you know that companies could also lost their data on Office 365?

data loss in office 365

This data loss caused by several common reason such as; Human error, Virus or malware, Software Corruption, Overwritten Data, and Hacker attack. Read on the 5 common causes of Data Loss in Office 365:

Human error

Human error that mostly happened is accidental deletion within Office 365. It is almost happened to users unintentionally deleted important e-mails, documents, or any other critical data in Office 365.

A common reason why users inadvertently deletes their data is because they think it is no longer needed. But after sometimes they will need in again suddenly for some reasons.

Or also they forget click the wrong button and could not get the data back before they realized it.

Virus or malware

Veeam stated that Malware and viruses have done serious damage to organizations globally in just the past year alone unexceptionally for Office 365. Even Office 365 has protection against malware, but it does not guarantee that they could detect every infection.

Software corruption

Software Corruption is one of the big cause of data loss. For example, if users want to Install or update the Office 365 and then the system suddenly have problem, and the data lost the second after.

Overwritten data

Office 365 does remind its users when their workload is almost full. But it is not enough protection against the risk of overwritten data. Users could lost their oldest e-mail, data, documents, or any critical data if their data space is not enough anymore.

External attack

It is true that technology growth is faster than we think and bring a lot positive changes in our life. In other hand, it is also bring negativity, one of them is hacker. It is possible for Office 365 to get attacked by hacker. For example, if there is a phishing e-mail and then the user click it and hacker could remove the data easily after.

So, could you imagine if you lost your critical documents on Office 365? How to prevent this accident? Stay update with Zettagrid to find the solution with Veeam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid.

Contact us for more information aboutt Veaam Office 365 Backup on Zettagrid send us e-mail at or click here.

7 Alasan Mengapa Arupa Cloud Desktop Menjadi Solusi Tepat Saat WFH

Cloud Desktop

7 Alasan Mengapa Arupa Cloud Desktop Menjadi Solusi Tepat Saat WFH

Melonjaknya jumlah pasien positif COVID-19 masih menjadi perhatian bagi pemerintah Indonesia dalam mengatasi pandemi. Sampai sore ini (04/08/20) Satgas COVID-19 menyatakan angka kasus kematian di Indonesia lebih tinggi dibanding angka kematian global per 3 Agustus. Persentasenya kini di angka 4,86 % sementara global berada di 3,79% ( Berbagai cara pun dilakukan untuk menekan angka penyebaran virus, salah satunya dengan mengimbau kebijakan work from home (WFH) yang diperuntukkan bagi beberapa sektor usaha.

Perusahaan yang terbiasa menjalankan operasional bisnis secara konvensional, kini harus beralih kepada sistem digital demi meminimalisir penyebaran virus. Tak hanya itu, memonitor kegiatan user atau karyawan yang bekerja dari rumah juga perlu dilakukan agar produktivitas kerja dapat tetap terjaga. Sehingga, hal tersebut memerlukan sistem IT yang berguna dalam mengefisiensi operasional dan produktivitas perusahaan selama WFH.

Arupa Cloud Desktop (ACD) bisa menjadi solusi Anda dalam menjalankan perusahaan selama WFH. Dengan memberikan akses virtual kepada karyawan ke aplikasi dan data perusahaan, karyawan tetap dapat bekerja dimanapun dan kapanpun di bawah monitor perusahaan. Tak hanya itu, berbagai keuntungan pun bisa didapatkan dalam menggunakan ACD. Berikut keuntungan yang perlu Anda ketahui dalam menggunakan ACD selama menjalankan sistem WFH.

  1. Fleksibel Untuk Digunakan

Jika Anda kesulitan mengatur alih pekerjaan dari device perusahaan ke rumah, ACD bisa menjadi solusinya. ACD memberikan fleksibilitas bagi para pengguna yang dapat mengakses desktopnya kapanpun dan dimanapun. Cukup dengan melalui web browser yang dapat diakses melalui Operating System apapun dari berbagai macam device, Anda sudah bisa memfasilitasi karyawan agar dapat bekerja secara produktif.

  1. Memberikan Akses Perusahaan Dalam Memonitor User

Selama bekerja dari Rumah, Anda pasti berpikir bagaimana caranya agar kinerja user atau karyawan dapat tetap terjaga. ACD memberikan akses kepada pengusaha atau Human Resource (HR) untuk memonitor kinerja user selama bekerja di rumah. Pengusaha dapat mengetahui berapa jam user menggunakan desktopnya, hingga apa yang user kerjakan dalam desktop tersebut. Sehingga, Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi jika user tidak bekerja selama WFH.

  1. Dilengkapi Keamanan Berlapis

Dalam menggunakan sistem IT, risiko masih dapat ditemui. Salah satunya ialah kebocoran data. Untuk mencegah terjadinya hal tersebut, ACD dilengkapi dengan keamanan berlapis dan terjamin. Seperti firewall, IDS/IPS, VPN, dan standar SSL Encryption yang umum digunakan dalam memproteksi keamanan sistem online banking dan secure payment.

  1. Tidak Memerlukan Pemindahan Data

Ketika menggunakan ACD, Anda tidak perlu lagi melakukan pemindahan data dari on-premise. Hal ini dikarenakan ACD akan bekerja sama persis dengan desktop atau aplikasi perusahaan. Sehingga, Anda tidak perlu lagi mengubah infrastruktur yang telah digunakan saat ini cukup dengan melakukan pelebaran network dari cloud Zettagrid ke environment on-premise serta melakukan training berkepanjangan untuk membimbing user dalam menggunakan ACD.

  1. Tidak Membutuhkan Waktu Lama Dalam Deployment

Jika Anda baru memutuskan untuk menggunakan ACD pada masa WFH ini, Anda tidak perlu lagi memikirkan berapa banyak waktu yang terbuang untuk deployment. Hanya beberapa jam saja, ACD dapat dideploy untuk digunakan langsung pada perusahaan.

  1. Meningkatkan Efisiensi IT

Anda tidak perlu khawatir mengenai berapa banyak biaya yang akan dikeluarkan ketika menggunakan ACD, sebab ACD diciptakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi IT perusahaan Anda. Sehingga, perusahaan tidak perlu lagi melakukan investasi CapEx untuk pembelian hardware, lisensi software, dan implementasi. Anda juga dapat berlangganan tanpa komitmen jangka panjang dan membayar dengan menggunakan mata uang Rupiah. Dengan demikian, ketika US Dollar mengalami kenaikan biaya, berlangganan ACD akan tetap sama.

  1. Harga Kompetitif dan Penambahan user flexible.

Harga menjadi pertimbangan utama perusahaan dalam menentukan system yang akan digunakan untuk keberlangsungan jalannya perusahaan. Arupa Cloud Desktop dipricing berdasarkan tingkatan aplikasi yang dijalankan (lite,medium,Large) serta jumlah user yang menggunakan. Selain itu dalam penambahan dan pengurangan lisence dapat dilakukan dalam waktu yang relative cepat sebagaimana point no 5 mengenai waktu deployment ACD.


Masih penasaran dengan keuntungan lainnya yang ditawarkan oleh Arupa Cloud Desktop? Hubungi kami di atau contact kami disini.

Avoid IT Disaster with Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication

Veeam Cloud Connect

Avoid IT Disaster with Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication

A highlight from Zettagrid e-CloudTalk vol.03: The Cloud for Digital Business Era

It is true that technology has change rapidly and move people physical activity to digital. This situation has unconsciously changed people behavior and needs. The shifting of people behavior forced enterprises to follow its customer needs. Thus, an efficient operationalization system and digital infrastructure is required.

However, the company’s operational system efficiency is not enough to follow the consumer needs of today’s digital growth. Various obstacles could also happen in building a digital system, one of them come from the security side. In recent years, ransomware has become a disaster for various digital enterprises. That is the reason why, there is a software that is capable of backing up data by copying or creating archives of computing data, especially on digital infrastructure called cloud.

On July 23rd, 2020, Zettagrid, an Australian based cloud provider company that already has 2 data centers location in Indonesia,  held its online talk show titled “Zettagrid e-CloudTalk Vol. 03: The Cloud For Digital Business Era”, which briefly highlighted the importance of preventing disaster by using Veeam Cloud Connect on Zettagrid as a business solution. Unexceptionally for well-established company that offer one stop IT business solutions in Indonesia, Datascrip. On this event, Purnawan Yunianto, the MIS Manager of Datascrip reveals that its company choose using Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication on Zettagrid is to achieve a stable business transaction even there is an unexpected “disaster” happens.

Datascrip Veeam Zettagrid

Another reason for Datascrip in choosing Veeam Cloud Connect Backup and Replication on Zettagrid as its company Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions, is the proven data security system that Zettagrid offers, from data level, system, to hardware. Thanks to Zettagrid and Veeam Cloud Connect technology for decreasing enterprises investment on CapEx and Opex for its IT business.

According to Datascrip experiences, cloud infrastructure has already equipped by a wide range of security and operational standard. Cloud also provide ease and flexibility in terms of access, operations, and cost. The cloud will also provide accessibility related to resources whenever needed.

In operation, the user will focus on data protection and no longer need to think about infrastructure. Thus, user resources can focus on data development and other operations.

Why choosing Veeam Cloud Connect for Backup and Replication on Zettagrid?

Veeam Cloud Connect technology has the compatibility and support of the existing Datascrip’s environment. By ensuring the selected cloud solution can fit the environment of Datascrip’s.  Cloud connect provides good support if the problem occured while the Disaster Recovery (DR) is being processed. Thus, when a failover occurs during DR process, it would not give user a complication on reproduce the change of a data.

In case you missed the session, watch the live streaming here. Want to have the same experience with Datascrip? please contact us at

Langkah Menggunakan Cloud Demo Zettagrid

Langkah Menggunakan Cloud Demo Zettagrid

VDC live

Cloud computing memang sedang naik daun di masa pandemi ini. Selain menjadi solusi yang digunakan sebagai infrastruktur digital, cloud juga menjadi pilihan solusi IT sementara selama pandemi berlangsung.

Lalu, pernahkah anda melihat Control Panel pada Cloud Provider yang akan anda gunakan? Atau apakah User Experience dari Control Panel  cloud tersebut memudahkan anda dalam bekerja? Kemudian apakah anda dapat mengetahui fasilitas apa saja yang dapat dilakukan melalui Control Panel tersebut?

Salah satu penyedia layanan cloud computing di Indonesia yaitu Zettagrid, menawarkan fasilitas Cloud Demo. Fasilitas ini merupakan sandbox yang dapat mengantarkan anda untuk merasakan langsung cara kerja dari Virtual Datacenter yang didukung oleh VMware. Dalam fasilitas ini, anda dapat melakukan beberapa aktifitas dasar atau basic seperti pembuatan VM, vApps, dan membuat internal network. yang perlu digaris bawahi, untuk merasakan fasilitas Cloud Demo ini, anda tidak terhubung ke internet.

Yuk kita simak langkah menggunakan fasilitas Cloud Demo dari Zettagrid yang didukung oleh VMware:

  1. Klik pada web browser anda.
  2. Setelah melakukan akses ke halaman tersebut akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah. Pada halaman ini, anda dapat mengetahui informasi dari User name dan Password vCloud Director yang dapat anda gunakan untuk log in dan melihat apa yang ada dibalik Control Panel dari VDC. Kemudian Klik Log In now.

Cloud Demo VMware

 3. Setelah itu anda akan dibawa menuju halaman login vCloud Director, pada halaman ini Anda dapat memasukkan username dan password  yang tertera pada halaman sebelumnya.

Cloud Demo VMware

Berikut tampilan setelah login ke dalam vCloud Director, Setelah login akan tampil list Virtual Machines. 

VDC demo 

Untuk membuat Virtual Machines baru dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut :  


  1. Klik “New VM” yang terletak dibagian atas kiri pada list VM. 

Zettagrid Live Demo

2. Pada halaman ini Anda dapat menginputkan VM Name, Computer Name dan OS yang diinginkan. Setelah menginputkan VM Name dan memilih OS dapat klik “OK”. 

 Zettagrid Live Demo

 3. Setelah anda klik “OK” tunggu beberapa saat untuk proses Provisioning, Setelah proses Provisioning selesai makan VM akan dalam status “Powered On”.

Virtual Data Center


4. Untuk mengakses console sendiri terdapat beberapa cara, Cara paling mudah adalah dengan menekan button logo Monitor PC atau melalui menu “Actions” > “Launch Web Console” 

VMware VDC


5. Berikut tampilan Web Console vCloud Director. 

VMware VDC

 6. Untuk password root login VM dapat dilihat pada Details > Guest OS Customization 

VMware VDC

Begitulah langkah-langkah untuk membuat VM pada Cloud Demo dari Zettagrid.

Perlu diingat, layanan ini bersifat sandbox, dimana VM akan dihapus pada malam hari oleh sistem dan beberapa fitur pada layanan Cloud Demo akan dibatasi. Jika anda tertarik untuk mendalami fitur vCoud Director, anda dapat menghubungi tim kami di untuk menikmati FREE TRIAL dari Zettagrid Indonesia.

MyAccount Update Release 62 Notes

MyAccount Update Release 62 Notes

Release 62

During work from home (WFH) we made several improvement to makes your simplify cloud experience. See below for the updated release notes for Release 62


  • 2-Step Authentication Support
  • MyAccount NSX Network functionality removed. This functionality is now available in VMware Cloud Director
  • Geolocation will now set the default zone to user’s location when purchasing a new service
  • NSX – Advanged Edge Quad-Large Firewall is now available to purchase


  • Account: Change VDC manage link for vCloud to default to new VMware Cloud Director HTML5 portal
  • VPS: Raise minimum RAM/Storage requirements for Microsoft Windows Server 2019 purchases
  • Account: Remove Network tab and support for Legacy NSX. Yay!


  • General Security improvements (clickjacking prevention, library updates)
  • We have implemented improvements to increase the reliability for some provisioning scenarios
  • Resizing VDC now allows zero Internet Traffic
  • Traffic usage tab not was not displaying all periods
  • Account: SS interzone now shows the protected VDC zone information
  • Account: Fix VDC internet usage bar
  • Account: Fix VDC VM reset functionality
  • Account: Bug – stuck calculating on multiple tab clicks

Upcoming Improvements

  • Price Per Zone
  • Email and password change notifications
  • Cool Archive Storage Tier
  • Veeam Recycle Bin / Insider Protection Feature

Contact us for more information at

Topics: MyAccountRelease

Invitation Zettagrid Cloud Talk

Zettagrid Cloud Talk


Greetings from Zettagrid Indonesia

Join us at Zettagrid Cloud Talk on 23 January 2020. Zettagrid Cloud talk is an event series that created to keep you update on Zettagrid latest technology and growth. In collaboration with Veeam, we will bring you insights about the importance of cloud backup for your business in this digital era..

Event Details

Thursday, 23 January 2020


CoHive 101, 2nd Floor

Kawasan Mega Kuningan

Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung No.1

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950

Register and secure your place now here ! only limited seats available. For further information please contact us at or call us +62-811-283878.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Zettagrid Indonesia Team

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Promo 11.11

Promo 11.11 Gratis 60 Hari Untuk Area Surabaya

Penyedia layanan cloud computing Zettagrid  Indonesia, kini resmi hadir di Surabaya bertepatan dengan Hari Pahlawan Nasional 2019 (10 November 2019).

Sebelumnya Zettagrid Indonesia telah memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan cloud di Jakarta. Melihat antusiasme pelanggan yang cukup tinggi, Zettagrid Indonesia membuka kantor cabang baru di Surabaya yang di harapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi infrastruktur IT pada bisnis anda khususnya untuk anda yang berada di daerah Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Saat ini Zettagrid Indonesia telah memiliki 2 availability zone di Indonesia.

Untuk merayakan kehadiran Zettagrid Indonesia di Surabaya sekaligus Hari Belanja Nasional 11.11, kami memberikan promo GRATIS 60 Hari untuk produk VDC Backup dan Veeam Backup. Promo ini dapat anda dapatkan dengan berlangganan minimum satu tahun. Promo ini hanya berlaku pada area Surabaya dan sekitarnya.

Ayo, tunggu apa lagi! Mulailah beralih ke layanan cloud Zettagrid Indonesia untuk memudahkan bisnis anda! Untuk info lebih lanjut, anda dapat menghubungi kami disini atau hubungi Sales Representative kami di area Surabaya; Yogie +62 812-3384-6878.

Australian Cloud Service Provider Hits Indonesia


JAKARTA, 12 September 2017: Australian infrastructure-as-a-service provider Zettagrid has begun its assault on the wider APAC region, opening a new zone in Jakarta.

The new Indonesian offering will provide a range of coputing services, including virtual server, virtual data centre, backup and disaster recovery, built and managed in an enteprise grade VMware certified environment.

Nathan Harman, Zetta Group chief executive, says the expansion is part of Zettagrid’s global strategy and marks the first step in the channel-focused company’s strategy to deliver cloud services to the whole APAC region.

“Zettagrid has built a powerful reputation in the Australian market since our inception in 2010, and with the increasing adoption of cloud computing amongst enterprises globally, expansion into South East Asia is the next important milestone for our organisation,” Harman says.

In Australia the company manages more than 4,000 virtual machines with more than 100 channel partners nationally.

Reza Kertadjaja, Zettagrid Indonesia country manager, says there is a need in the Indonesian market for a locally hosted cloud IaaS service with easy management and integrated billing.

“Zettagrid has a long and successful track record of working with partners to design, build and manage complex cloud platforms that meet the many needs of IT organisations,” Kertadjaja says.

Zettagrid says it will offer its channel partner program to Indonesian businesses, rewarding partners who build innvoative customer solutions using technology based on Zettagrid’s infrastructure.

“This engagement includes the expansion of Zettagrid Australia’s channel partner program to local Indonesian solution providers and system integrators,” Zettagrid says.

Last month Zettagrid was awarded 2017 Cloud Partner of the Year for Asia Pacific by Zerto. More info at EnterpriseChannelAsia


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Survive Disasters With Zettagrid and Veeam

“The only thing harder than planning for an emergency is explaining why you didn’t” – Unknown

In the Information Age, where your business is expected to be up and running 24/7, you need a robust and effective disaster recovery plan. 2016 statistics show that the average workers lose 38 hours every year due to slow internet connectivity and downtime, that’s a full week every year that each employee is unproductive. It is no wonder that some businesses never recover from a serious disaster, multiply that across an entire organisation and the costs start to become unbearable.

It is easy to assume your business’s computing systems will never go down. This assumption cannot be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that disasters happen! However, instead of focussing on the catastrophe itself and whether it will happen or not, it’s important to concentrate on developing an effective disaster recovery plan.

Disaster Recovery: What, How, Why?

Disaster recovery (DR) aims to protect your company from the after-effects of any event that can hamper or risk the smooth functioning of your business’s daily operations. The cause of organisational downtime can range from a Denial-Of-Service attack or any other cyber attack to hardware or equipment failure or even a natural disaster.

What do you do? How do you implement a cost-effective disaster recovery plan? The reality is, in our fast-paced, online world, if you are unable to transact or conduct your business, your target audience will not wait for the fault to be fixed. They will rush off to your competition. This could end up costing your business hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run.

The great news is that there are companies in the marketplace such as Zettagrid who utilise Veeam technology to offer comprehensive Disaster Recovery Solutions.

Veeam and Zettagrid: The Perfect Team

In essence, Disaster Recovery utilises cloud computing infrastructure to protect your business applications and data from ceasing to function due to a disaster. The successful DR model consists of two essential components: hardware and software. In the event of a disaster, both of these components work together to ensure a smooth transition from your primary to your secondary system.

This is why you need a well-matched team to keep you covered. With Zettagrid and Veeam working together, you have that full coverage.


First, you are protected by Veeam providing the software side of the Disaster Recovery model. Veeam Replication uses an image-based recovery replication solution. With this setup, your VM maintains constant replication. If your VM should go down, your vital information is ready to access again in mere minutes, with no loss of data.


This is paired with the hardware – Zettagrid cloud computing. As the most advanced self-service cloud hosting platform in Indonesia, Zettagrid provides the ideal storage to keep your important data safe.

By using the services of these two complementary companies together, your business enjoys the benefit of having both the powerful technology and the high-quality cloud-based backup services that will ensure your DRaaS solution will work as expected when disaster does strike.

Find out more about Veeam Replication powered by Veeam.

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