A Simple Way to Manage Your Advanced Cloud

Some of Our Great Customers

Fully Customizable
Forget instances, we allow you to customize your Cloud Backup, Storage or DR to match exactly what you need and only pay for the resources you are going to use.

Predictable Billing
You are in control of your spend and you will never receive bill shock from us. Volume and term discounts are available above RRP.

No complex charges
Zettagrid doesn’t charge for IOPs, Reads/Writes, PUTs, GETs and all of the other typical cloud complexities.

White Label
Customise Zettagrid to become your very own branded cloud and deliver your services and cloud seamlessly.

VMware Familiarity
Your data will be hosted within an enterprise-grade VMware Hosting certified cloud environment that feels just like your on premise VMware environment.

Data Sovereignty
Our fully independent availability zones, in Jakarta, Cibitung, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney means we can guarantee your data will always remain within your location of choice.

API or UI Management
You have the power to manage your Zettagrid cloud environment via our portal or you can use the REST API of vCloud Director to manage your “infrastructure as code”.

VMware Familiarity
We supply the most advanced firewall and networking tools available anywhere including VMware NSX, IPSEC, MPLS, VLANs, BGP and more.

Multi Cloud Integration
We have easy connectivity options to hyper-scalers like Amazon AWS for S3 and Azure for Office365 for VMware Hosting through DCI data center
What Our Customers Say
"3 tahun berjalan bersama Zettagrid untuk solusi Veeam backup dan Virtual Data Center yang berjalan dengan baik, support yang handal siap kapanpun pada saat dibutuhkan. Memberikan rasa aman kepada customer"
Solusi yang digunakan: Virtual Datacenter (VDC) dan Veeam Backup
"Semenjak menggunakan cloud, IT team tidurnya menjadi lebih nyenyak. Tim support Zettagrid sangat cepat dalam merespon ketika kami membutuhkan bantuan"
Solusi yang digunakan: Veeam Cloud Connect Replication
"Ini adalah revolusi terbaik dari divisi IT kami. Sebuah perusahan bergerak dibidang manufaktur yang umumnya selalu mengalami kesulitan saat pengembangan teknologi kini telah melaju pesat menuju ke era digital terbaru. Keberhasilan meyakinkan manajemen akan keamanan data, layanan, diskusi interaksi serta kemudahan integrasi telah mengubah cara pandang perusahaan untuk berinovasi agar meringankan kerja karyawan"
Solusi yang digunakan: Virtual Data Center (VDC) dan VDC Backup
Backed by Technology, Standards & Certifications